About Gizmo Gal-adoption pending
- Status: Available for Adoption (adoption info)
- Adoption Fee: $250
- Species: Dog
- General Color: Gray/Silver/Salt & Pepper with Black
- Current Size: 18 Pounds
- Potential Size: 18 Pounds
- Current Age: 2 Years 1 Month (best estimate)
Currently we are not taking any further applications since we already have an approved applicant.
11/8/12 Giz has now had her 2 day HW treatment administered. She is doing well and resting nicely. She is enjoying cuddling on the couch and has to take it slow for a few weeks.
11/5/12 Gizmo just came back from the vet. He says that he believes she looks more like a Havanese purebred or mix. Havanese are labeled as a Hypo Allergenic dog and non shedder -they do need to be groomed because their hair needs cutting to keep them mat free. She has her wellness visit and she is UTD on vaccinations but... the vet down at the shelter was treating her heartworm with the monthly preventative meds. Our vet did blood work and saw that she was indeed HW+ and said she needed to be treated with the 2-Day shot treatment to kill them off because a preventative is not sufficient to kill the HWs and they would continue to grow. Gizmo will be treated this week and then she must stay in foster care for 3-4 weeks to recover because she must be kept quiet along with minimal excitement and exercise during this period. Then she will be ready for adoption. I will keep you posted. She is a total sweetheart and so easy going disposition too. Such a lover!!!!!!!
11/4/12 Gizmo is here. She is a sweet little dog. Loves attention and to be petted and is very quiet. She did fine sleeping in her crate last night and does fine with other animals as long as they are not aggressive to her. Posting some video's today of her. Gizmo might be a Poodle/Shih Tzu type mix but who really knows. She is good on a leash, great in a crate and in the car.
FOSTER MOM NOTES FROM DOWN SOUTH:Gizmo has a very sweet disposition, she LOVES to be a lap dog, she can just lay in your lap all day long if you let her. She is not hyper but has a good energy level, she plays a lot with the other dogs and may actually play more often if she wasn’t in a pack of 5. She is definitely an inside dog I believe she is a little hot blooded in the summer she was not interested in going outside at all but since the weather has cooled off she is much better with that. I think she prefers to be walked on a leash instead of just going out in the yard with all the other dogs. She gets along great with other dogs and cats (she just ignores the cat all together). I have already gotten all her shots and she has been spayed so she is ready to go. She does have a small number of heartworms but my vet said the number was so low that if she was started on heartworm prevention that she felt the ones she had would die off and treatment would not be needed so she has been on HW prevention for the last 5 months. The vet did recommend that when she gets her monthly HW medicine to also give her a baby aspirin. Please let me know if you need any additional information.
She is “basically” house trained I do think she can be stubborn sometimes. I was keeping her in the laundry room and she would use her pads with no problem, now I leave her out and she goes to the laundry room and uses her pads. She is going out with my other dogs better now. She does not get car sickness main thing is she wants to sit in your lap while you are driving but she will lay down if you are strict and not let her climb in your lap but she sure gives it a good try. She sleeps either on the floor beside my bed or couch. When she was staying in the laundry room she would sleep in her bed. She would probably “like” to sleep in the bed but she can’t jump up there so she has been content to just sleep on the floor beside the bed. She really likes being close to her human………………a lot of times if I am on the couch she will be right on the floor beside the couch. I hope this helps and if you need any additional information please let me know. "
SHELTER NOTES: Gizmo is about 2 yrs old. She has been examined by a veterinarian. She is fully vaccinated and has begun heartworm monthly treatment. She did test positive for heartworms; however, the vet said that the number is so low that with the monthly treatment (Heartguard), the heartworms would die off and she would not need any further treatment. She has been spayed.