Gray was a young adult from a feral colonyin Rising Sun, MD who was fed by a senior couple. When they died, one of their granddaughters continued to feed them, but when the property was being sold, animal control came to catch and kill the cats. Gray, a gorgeous solid gray tomcat with a beautiful thick coat, was the garddaughter's favorite and would rub against her, purr and let her pick him up. However, although he had leanrned to accept her, as a feral cat who had known no other humans, he could not trust any other humans and therefore could not be adopted as an inside cat. We had dceided to relase him as a barn cat on our property, but when taken to the vet, it was found that he feline Leukemia, a contagious, incurable and deadly disease among cats, which meant he could not be released. Facing a life he could never accept in a cage, with a certain slow decline and suffering as the disease took its toll, we reluctantly decided the most humane thing was to euthanize.